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Category: Observations

Winter? Summer? Both in One Day?

In Oklahoma there are two seasons—winter and summer. That does not mean that winter lasts six months and then there’s half a year of summer. It could be that you’d wake up to winter in the morning, shiver all the way to the kitchen to make your morning coffee and put on jeans and a sweater to go to work. At noon the weatherman gets to tinkering with the thermostat and suddenly, you wish you’d packed a sundress and sandals in your backpack instead of an e-reader and a cup of hot chicken noodle soup.

It all evens out—only in hour increments, not monthly ones. But the Okie natives learned a long time ago to give up steaks to pay the electric bill for air conditioning and that it’s not unusual to switch back and forth between A/C and heat twice or even three times a day.

And we don’t often have seasons here. We go from hot to cold and then back to hot pretty quick. One day we’re at the lake in our bikinis, the next we are bundled up in jackets and folks are talking about a white Christmas.

But this year, it’s beginning to look like we might have fall. I’m not holding my breath—I do not look good in that shade of blue. However, the weatherman says that by the middle of this week we might get a few days of fall-like weather. He’s been wrong before on many occasions, thus the reason for not sucking in a double lung full of air.

Thinking about fall—hot chocolate, pumpkin bread slathered with butter, caramel corn just puts me in the mood for a good book and a quiet Sunday afternoon to curl up with it in my favorite recliner.

Finding a quiet afternoon at my house is about as predictable as judging what to wear to on any given day when the weather is trying to decide whether it’s going to be one of the two seasons. But finding a good book to read—now that’s not too difficult with all the wonderful new releases coming out this month.

Among those releases you can find three of my books that hit the market this month. A Cowboy Christmas Miracle, the last in the four book Burnt Boot Series, came out on Sept. 6. Then The Lullaby Sky, a romantic women’s fiction, hit the shelves on Sept. 13 and Merry Cowboy Christmas, the third book in The Lucky Penny Ranch Series, will be here on Sept. 27.

So get out the hot chocolate and enjoy some fall weather. And if you can find a quiet afternoon…sneak off for a few quiet hours with a good book!!

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